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Don't settle for a little piece of heaven, Get a whole batch...Cooks Cookies...

That saying is making the rounds, it is becoming the popular catch phrase everywhere. Many have had the privilege of getting a whole batch of Cooks Cookies. These cookies are hands down the best cookies around. The taste, The texture, and they are so moist. It's that and it's the many different flavors that have the customers coming back time and time again.

But how did Cook's Cookies begin?

It all started with the founder of Cook's Cookies, George Cook.George got a start in baking at a very young age. As a child he had a love for sweets, cookies being his favorite. He would beg his mom to make homemade cookies. Handling the responsibilities of a single parent at times his mom was too tired to bake. She suggested he learn how to bake. So around the age of ten his mom taught him how to bake. By the time he was a teenager he developed his own style of baking. It brought him joy to see people enjoying whatever he baked. At this time his mom bought him a cookie cookbook. Baking became one of his hobbies. He would bake for his family and friends as well. As the years went by, different people urged him to bake for money. Although he liked to bake, he did not want it to become a business. And he did love the fact that many people were crazy about his cookies.With the change in the economy he like many other people started to think of starting a business or making income to supplement his main income. He had a few ideas to use another of his talents to accomplish this.
George Cook

It just so happens while on facebook he came across a business page another person set up selling cakes. Well I can sell my cookies he thought!!....So he did a few necessary things to get started. Relying heavily on giving out free samples and spreading to friends and family Cooks Cookies grew in short time!! In order to keep customers happy He continues to expand the menu.

For example, The brand new - Diet Power Cookies

With more and more people being concerned about their figure, creating a diet cookie was an easy decision. Since George follows a diet for the gym himself he appreciated the need for protein. So he wanted to accomplish both. A low fat cookie that also is high in protein. Did he leave out taste? Of course the main attraction is going to be taste. I'm proud to say these cookies taste great!! Whatever your goal is in training these cookies should help you. Or if you just want a snack that is not going to pack on the pounds these are for you. Eat these without feeling guilty. These cookies do not contain butter which is a big part of the fat in regular cookies. Most of the flavor comes from natural fruit ingredients. Cooks Diet Power Cookie continue to grow in popularity as many trainers appreciate and recommend these cookies.

I continue to be amazed at how huge Cooks Cookies has become. And there is more
to come...

Many exciting things lay in the future for Cooks Cookies. A new vegan cookie is on the way as well as a gluten free cookie. Make arrangements to get yourself a whole batch as we have been shipping all over the country as well as into Canada. Why settle for a little piece of heaven, get a whole batch.


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